Growing weed remains one of the topics most people would not talk openly in public. This has little to do with stereotypes that have been with us for years, but mainly the legal status. The truth is, the weed is still scheduled under schedule four illegal substance by the federal laws. However, there are many states that allow legal cultivation and use of the plant. Many people’s dreams to grow the plant have been curtailed by numerous myths. Here are seven of such myths and everything you need to know about growing weed. 1. It is expensive to cultivate weed It is true that growing weed is not like managing your vegetable garden or growing other crops on your farm. Most people want to ensure that they have enough control of the plant. To realize this, they have to purchase specialized equipment such as fans, extractors, lights automated watering systems, among others. The question is; is it really necessary? Experts don’t think so. Just like any other crop, all you need is goo...
Marijuana is a medicinal plant, but it also has a fun side to it. Recreational marijuana is used to relax and unwind. It helps you feel good. It releases stress for good. Here are some marijuana fun facts that we bet you didn't know: Beer and Cannabis are family friends. The hops that beer is made from belongs to the same genome family of plants as Cannabis. They are literally cousins! The legal marijuana is a billion dollar industry within the short time that it has been legalised. The legal marijuana market is expected to be worth $66.3 billion by the end of 2025. Cannabis has been legal in Alaska since 1975. And it is legal even today! George Washington grew cannabis in Mount Vernon and called it Hemp. The coolest thing about North Korea is that they have never criminalised Cannabis. It has always been legal in North Korea. California was both the first to ban and the first to legalise Cannabis . A first in both cases for this hippie central. An art student tweak t...